Saturday, October 23, 2010

Grumpy Haters get a new face

The new banner and logo.

The plush, (apologies for crap pic quality).

Pretty nifty, huh? The ever talented LeeAnn from Crown of Rue designed this for me from a plush I made. The cupcake was a direct reference and Etsy specific so I wanted to get away from that as we all head out into this Brave New World. 

I've ordered my stamp and my labels and price tags. I use Vistaprint and with my larger items put two pics on either end of the card, cut it in half and Presto! I professionally printed price tag for less then the cost of my craptastic printer ink. 

For smaller items I use the image three times, it works really well. You can also position the image and the fold the card so you have a mini card. I used those for my soaps to carry the logo and list materials and scent. Works like a charm. 

Now it's restocking like mad. We had a great season at Ballston Crafts Market and Linda from Artspring in Silver SPring, MD cleared us out, much to our delight. Even better she and her business partner Chris, called yesterday to say they'd sold out of monsters and how fast could I make more?

My husband has offered to schlep what I can make to the shop on Monday. Which is a Godsend, otherwise I'd have to post a big box.

Of course, I'm not anywhere near ready to move into my workspace, although I am ready to move, the workspace isn't. Hows that for convoluted sentencing?

So you'll find me buried under a pile of fleece, next toa box of safety eyes and to the left of a pile of boxes. For the last time, hopefully.

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